Pantee Peunateung
There lies the adventure for the more experienced hands in Pantee Peunateung . Loosely translated as Rice field this site takes about 35 minutes to reach by boat and is dominated by a beautiful and visible coral reefs ranging from north to south. Coral reefs are clearly visible from above water level and visitors can immediately estimate the change in water depth while enjoying the scenic colours of the reefs!! A truly absorbing experience!!! drop off starts at about 30 m and is pretty and large gorgonian sea fans are common sight here, thriving on the rich nutrient waters.At the deeper level, do keep an eye for sharks namely, black tips, white tips and gray reef sharks cruising around the walls. Otherwise giant sting rays, eagle rays, bumphead parrots and Manta Rays do make common appearances.Looking up at the sun from this level is a fascinating experience, especially when Eagle/ Manta rays and gorgonians are at sight.
Another favorite with a series of huge walls and vertical drop offs into deep-water landscapes all covered with enormous gorgonian sea fans mixed with green tree corals creating an incredible spectacle. Then the intermediate depths are covered with lava rocks and volcanic formations, supporting a dense reef comprising hard corals, reef fish, turtles, morays etc.